Mundane Astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with the natal charts of nations, as well as a study of the Ingress Charts that apply to them. The dynamic aspects such as transits, directions and progressions also apply to countries and can indicate times of war and crisis, or times of peace and tranquility. The most insightful analysis approach is the use of classical or horary techniques to analyze the charts of nations, as well as the various subsidiary charts that will affect them. If political leaders understood the issues that they will have to face in a given year, then they might run our lives much more effectively.
By studying the effects of Seasonal or Cardinal Ingress Charts set for the capital of the country, one can get a very good idea of the issues that will face the country in the following three months. Ingress charts can not only predict the political climate for the season, they also predict the physical weather for the season. It is my expert opinion that you cannot analyze an Ingress Chart without an in-depth knowledge of horary astrology and astrological weather forecasting. Eclipses will also affect the country if they aspect a planet in the country's natal chart, or if they occur within a short time of the seasonal ingress of the Sun. While Moon Phase charts can also be used for weather and political forecasting, they are a fairly minor consideration. It is interesting to note that the Babylonian kings used to get two reports from their astrologers every day. One was a weather report, the other a political report. The king needed to know if his political enemies were planning to attack, and if the weather would allow the raising of sufficient food crops.
The meaning of the planets in a mundane chart is much the same as in a natal chart, with the main difference that the issues and matters ruled by the house affect the nation as a whole.
1st House – The common people, public health and general condition of the country.
2nd House – National wealth, banks, stock exchange, business affairs and trade
3rd House – Railway and highway systems, telecommunication networks, post office, books,
news media, radio, TV
4th House – The quality of the land, farms, mines and minerals and natural resources, the opposition to the government, the weather, public buildings
5th House – Theaters, film, music amusement parks, children, national sexual attitudes, ambassadors to foreign nations
6th House – The armed services, national health plan, civil service, the working class, sickness
7th House – Foreign affairs, war and peace, international treaties, foreign trade,
marriage and divorce
8th House – National debt and taxes, money earned through foreign trade
9th House – Law courts, science, religious organizations, foreign travel and foreign countries
shipping and air traffic
10th House – Government, president or head of state, national trade and big business
11th House – Parliament, city councils, national revenue and gross domestic product, foreign allies
12th House – Secret enemies and terrorist groups, prisons, insane asylums, hospitals, crime
Keeping in mind the above rulerships of houses, it is quite revealing to analyze the national charts of Canada and the USA.
The chart has Aries rising, Mars ruler 1st of the common people peregrine in Virgo in the 6th of illness and work. This ensures that Canadians will work hard and complain continually. With the trine from Mars to the MC and the POF, Canadians will achieve a lot of personal career goals and acquire a lot of wealth. Mars opposes Jupiter in the 12th, so Canadians like to get away from work and the long cold winters through travel to foreign countries. Idealistic and confused Neptune is peregrine in Aries conjunct the ascendant from the 12th, making Canadians idealists who don't know what they want, and therefore can't find a good leader. Saturn ruler 10th of leaders is peregrine in Scorpio in the 7th house of open enemies, on the dark side of the house and in mutually applying opposition to Pluto. Our political leaders try to keep the people in the dark and openly mislead them. Despite this, they maintain their popularity for a very long time, with Saturn sextile the North Node in Virgo in the 6th and trine Chiron in the misfortunate 12th. Scorpio is on the cusp of the 8th house of taxes, ruler Mars in the 6th of work and coruler Pluto in the 1st. Saturn is opposite Pluto, so it seems our political leaders see the people as nothing more than a financial resource to be exploited.
Sun ruler 6th of illness and service is peregrine in Cancer in the 4th of home, so Canadians are proud of their homes and work hard on them. They also tend to stay at home when sick, unless the illness is severe. The Sun is conjunct rebellious Uranus, indicating some parts of the country are in open rebellion against the government and want to secede, and the people Quebec have been a source of problems ever since Confederation. The 6th also rules the armed services, and with the Sun squaring Neptune and the ascendant, Canadian soldiers are left with helicopters that fall out of the sky, submarines that leak, and W.W.II era tanks that should really grace a museum.
Venus ruler of the 2nd house of money is in Gemini in the 2nd, having dignity by decanate but squaring Jupiter in dignity in the 12th of secrets, and on the dark side of the house. Canadians could be rich if it were not for all the secret deals made by the government with various industries and factions. Venus also square the Nodes, making the countries political connections quite often very difficult. Venus does make a sextile to Neptune, so we are a nation of dreamers who need to take more action. A lot of money is spent on charities and foreign aid. Venus is also the ruler of the 7th of open enemies, so Canada makes some enemies through its trade and financial dealings. Mercury ruler 3rd of communication is peregrine in Leo in the 5th, in separating trine to Chiron and separating square to the POF. Canadians are very creative but get no recognition in their own country, and most end up going south to the USA.
Moon ruler 4th is peregrine in Gemini in the 3rd, applying to a combustion to the Sun in the 4th, ensuring that the separatist issue will keep bubbling for a very long time. The Sun in the 4th trines Jupiter and sextiles the Nodes, so there will always be good luck. The Moon is also the ruler of the creative 5th, and with its applying trine to Jupiter Canadians are very creative, but do not get any recognition at home. Pluto coruler 8th of taxes is in the 1st opposing Saturn, so our political leaders will put us into debt by overspending. Mars ruler 8th is in the 6th of work opposite Jupiter in dignity in the 12th, so Canadians will have to work hard to get out of the debt created by the government's secretive spending sprees.
Jupiter ruler 9th of priests opposes Mars ruler 8th of sex organs, indicating the sexual abuse of children by priests of various churches. Jupiter being in dignity also says that Canadians have strong religious beliefs, but are not militant about them. Saturn ruler 10th of government is peregrine and retrograde in Scorpio in the 7th of open enemies on the dark side of the house. Our political leaders are also our worst enemies, and Canada will never have good government until the constitution is rewritten. Saturn is also the ruler of the 11th of business and government income, so the country's wealth is negatively affected by its bad leadership. Saturn also is the ruler of the 12th of secret enemies, so our political leaders are the secret enemy that we need to watch for. Jupiter in the 12th suggests that there are a lot of secret deals with religious leaders in order to gain their support. The federal government gave money to various churches so that the lawsuits by the people sexually abused by priests would not drive them into bankruptcy. The 12th house also rules crime, so it is quite amusing that the biggest criminal in the country are our politicians.
There is some dispute about the timing of this chart, with some astrologers insisting on the opposite sign of Gemini rising. It should be noted that this was a time before electric lights. Candles and kerosene lamps were the only sources of artificial light, and it very unlikely that a group of old men with failing eyesight and primitive eye glasses would work almost around the clock until 2:30 in the morning. It is much more logical that they would get up early, have breakfast and then start work. The above time is after dinner, and would be the most reasonable assumption that they would have dinner and drinks, and then finish up the paper work. Ebenezer Sibly published a chart with 10 PM on it, and a scanned copy of that chart is given at the end of this article. This would have given the chart 3 Pisces rising, with the Moon at 0 degrees Pisces in the 12th. Yet Sibly's drawing shows 19:49 Aquarius rising, with the Moon at 24 Aquarius, not really close to what my computer generates. Therefore, it seems that he intended the time on his drawing to be merely symbolic, with the real time indicated by the degree of the ascendant. I have rectified this to 9:35 pm, which is reasonable correction in time. Aquarius rising makes sense, since Americans are a very independent and rebellious people. Quiet and mousy Pisces makes no sense at all!
Jupiter ruler 1st is exalted in Cancer in the 7th house of open enemies, in separating combustion to the Sun. The Sun rules the 9th of foreigners, so Americans suspect everyone of being their enemies and are incredibly arrogant. They believe they have the divine right to run the world. Jupiter also rules religion and preachers and the intercepted Pisces in the 3rd, and the USA has more churches, crazy or not, than most countries in the world. The 3rd is also the house of learning and communication, and Americans seem to think their schools are great despite being less than wonderful.
Venus ruler 10th of government and business is in the 7th of partners, so American business and government are strongly focused on the export trade. The Sun is at the apex of a T-square with Chiron in the 4th and Saturn in the 10th of government. Some American policies make a lot of friends, and others a lot of enemies. Saturn ruler 2nd house of money is exalted in Libra in the 10th of business and government, so both the people and the government are very money and business oriented. Mercury ruler of the 7th house of open enemies is peregrine in Cancer in the 8th of death and taxes opposite Pluto peregrine in Capricorn in the 2nd house of money. Money is a life and death issue for Americans, and they don't believe they can ever have too much. They see taxes as a way for the government to destroy their personal freedoms. Mercury was the planet on the ascendant at the time of the World Trade Center attack.
Uranus of rebellion is in Gemini in the 6th of work, and Americans have many trade unions as well as some ingenious and innovative workers. Venus ruler 6th of work and armed services is in the 7th of open enemies squaring Saturn in the 10th. There will always be a lot of labour problems in the USA, and a lot of work related illnesses. The military has tested chemical warfare agents on its own people without telling them. Venus is also ruler of the 10th of government, so the government strongly supports the armed services. Venus is the ruler of the 5th of creativity and children, so Americans encourage creativity and the various arts flourish in the country. Mars ruler 4th of home and country is in the 7th of open enemies, so there is a lot of warfare in American homes, and warfare against their own government, such as the Oklahoma bombing. Americans have a siege mentality and believe themselves under constant attack. The Moon ruler of the 8th of sex organs is in the 3rd of mind trining Venus and Mars, making Americans very focused on sex and marriage. Unfortunately, the last aspect of the Moon is a square to Uranus of separation and divorce, so the USA has one of the highest rates of divorce in the world.
Sun ruler 9th of religion is peregrine in the 7th combust Jupiter ruler ascendant. Americans believe in divine manifest destiny to run the world. Neptune ruler of the intercepted Pisces in the 3rd is in the 9th of philosophy and religious beliefs. Americans are very religious and have some strange political beliefs. Neptune is in applying trine to Pluto in the 2nd, supporting a belief in a divinely mandated destiny. Pluto coruler 11th of business income is in the 2nd of money, indicating that the USA is a very wealthy country. Unfortunately, Pluto also rules the 12th of secret enemies, so there will also be many enemies trying to pull the country down. Mars ruler of the 11th and 12th is peregrine in the 7th, indicating contractual agreements to encourage trade and business. This is also an indication that criminal organizations stand to make a lot of money in the USA.
Cancer Ingress Chart for Washington, Summer 2001
Venus ruler 1st of the American people is in dignity in Taurus in the 12th of secret enemies, but on the dark side of the house. While the American economy was doing very well, the people were ignoring the fact that they were at the mercy of their enemies. Venus is squaring confused Neptune in the 10th of government, and the US government had a great many illusions about their position in the world and the identity of their enemies. Mars ruler 12th of secret enemies is in the 7th of open enemies and in Sagittarius, the sign of foreigners and religion, conjunct Pluto ruler of the 7th also in the 7th and in Sag. The secret enemies of the USA decided to make their presence known through an open and frontal attack. The chart has the malefic fixed star Caput Algol rising, indicating America was going to lose its head. Mercury ruler of the 2nd house of money is in its dignity in Gemini in the 1st, but on the dark side of the house. The US economy was doing very well, but starting to falter. Mercury opposes Mars and Pluto in the 7th, indicating a loss of foreign trade. Saturn ruler of the 10th of government is also in the 1st in Gemini, also opposing Mars and Pluto. The economic health of the country was being destroyed by loss of foreign trade and conflict with a foreign power.
The Sun ruler of the 4th of land and buildings is peregrine in Cancer in the 2nd house of money, but sextile Venus in the 12th. Americans are rightly proud of their land and the buildings in their cities. The 2nd also has Jupiter in it, in its detriment in Gemini, in applying opposition to Mars ruler 12th in the 7th. There will be losses through the attacks of foreign enemies. The Moon ruler 3rd of communication and travel is in the 2nd of money, in applying combustion or eclipse to the Sun. There will be severe financial losses in the travel industry and to the country in general. Neptune is in the 10th of government, so obviously the government was unaware it was being threatened by secret enemies living amongst the general population. Uranus coruler 10th is in its dignity in the 10th of government but squaring the ascendant/descendant axis. The attack of Muslim suicide pilots on the World Trade Center in New York on the September 11th of that year confirms a year of shocking and disruptive changes followed by war. The eclipse such a short time after the ingress clearly indicates the shocking changes ahead. The last aspect of the Moon is an opposition to confusing Neptune, clearly indicating the confusion in the Whitehouse the first few weeks after the attack. While it is easy to analyze a chart after the fact, it is quite instructive to apply the classical or horary rules to mundane charts. Climatically, this was also the year following the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction bringing high temperatures and drought to most of North America.
Capricorn Ingress Winter 2002/03
The Ingress Chart can also be used for weather forecasting. The names of the four elements of astrology derive from the four elements of weather. The Fire Signs bring heat, the Water Signs precipitation. The Air Signs bring wind, and the Earth Signs are months of agricultural activity. The most important house in weather forecasting is the 4th house, and the houses of greatest
influence are the angular houses. The most important house in weather forecasting is the 4th house, and the houses of greatest influence are the angular houses.
Venus ruler 10th and Mars ruler 4th are conjunct in extreme Scorpio in the 4th house, Venus in detriment and Mars in dignity. This will be a season of extremes of temperature, but Mars will keep it from getting too cold, and Venus keeps things from getting too warm. Overall, the temperature for the winter season will be fairly average, but there will be some weeks of brutally cold days and some very mild and warm ones. Precipitation wise, there will be normal amounts of moisture, but with Mars in the 4th there will be many dry and windy days. Cold, dry Uranus is in the 7th in its dignity, so again there will be many clear, crisp and very cold days. Warm dry Jupiter is in Leo in the 1st, and this moderates the season considerably. While the overall winter season will be fairly average, there will be days of extreme temperature and moisture swings, with a few good blizzards and cold days between some very mild and unseasonably warm days. With foggy and cloudy Neptune near the 7th house cusp, there will be many cloudy, overcast and gloomy days.